
Weather in Novigrad in July

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25° C



9 mm

per month


71 %



61 %


What’s the weather like in Novigrad in July?

July is one of the warmest months in Novigrad, Croatia. The weather is generally hot and sunny, making it an ideal time to visit the coastal town. It is characterized by long, sunny days and pleasant temperatures, perfect for enjoying outdoor activities and exploring the city’s historical sites.

Average daily temperatures

During July, Novigrad experiences average daily temperatures ranging from 22°C to 29°C (72°F to 84°F). The temperature tends to be hottest in the afternoon, with highs reaching around 29°C (84°F). However, evenings are generally cooler, providing a relief from the daytime heat.

Sunshine and rainfall

July in Novigrad is characterized by an abundance of sunshine. The town enjoys an average of 11 hours of sunshine per day, providing ample opportunity for sunbathing, swimming, and other outdoor activities. It is essential to protect yourself from the strong UV rays by wearing sunscreen and staying shaded during the peak hours of the day.

Regarding rainfall, July is one of the driest months in Novigrad. The town receives an average of only 34mm of rainfall, spread over 6 days throughout the month. The rain showers are generally short-lived, and the majority of the days remain dry and sunny. It is uncommon for rain to interrupt outdoor plans during this time of the year.

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