13° C
21 mm
per month
59 %
75 %
What’s the weather like in Elounda in December?
December is considered part of the winter season in Elounda, Greece. The weather during this time of year is mild, but can also be quite unpredictable. While some days may experience relatively warm temperatures, other days can be cooler and more brisk.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperature in Elounda in December ranges from 10°C (50°F) to 16°C (61°F). The daytime temperatures can reach highs of around 16°C (61°F), while the nighttime temperatures can drop to lows of 10°C (50°F). It is recommended to pack layers and bring a light jacket or sweater, especially for the cooler evenings.
Sunshine and rainfall
December in Elounda experiences around 6 hours of sunshine per day on average. While it may not be as sunny as other times of the year, there is still a fair amount of daylight to explore and enjoy outdoor activities. However, it is important to note that December is one of the wettest months in Elounda, with an average rainfall of 82mm. Be prepared for showers and pack a waterproof jacket or umbrella.
Overall, December in Elounda offers mild temperatures, although it can be quite unpredictable. Pack accordingly and be prepared for potential rain showers, but also enjoy the opportunities to explore the area without the crowds of peak tourist seasons.