12° C
10 mm
per month
68 %
63 %
What’s the weather like in Psalidi in December?
December in Psalidi, Greece, is generally mild with cool temperatures and variable weather conditions. While it is not the warmest time to visit, it still offers a pleasant climate for outdoor activities and exploring the region.
Average daily temperatures
During December, Psalidi experiences an average daily temperature ranging from 12°C (54°F) to 16°C (61°F). The evenings tend to be cooler, reaching lows of around 9°C (48°F). It is advisable to pack some warm clothing for the evenings, such as a light jacket or sweater, as temperatures can drop further during nighttime.
Sunshine and rainfall
In December, Psalidi receives an average of 6 hours of sunshine per day. While it may not be as sunny as during the summer months, visitors can still enjoy a decent amount of daylight for outdoor activities. However, it is important to note that December is one of the wettest months in Psalidi, with an average rainfall of 87mm (3.4 inches). Expect occasional rain showers, so it is recommended to bring appropriate rain gear, such as an umbrella or waterproof jacket.