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What’s the weather like in Perivolos in September?
September in Perivolos, a village on the Greek island of Santorini, is generally warm and pleasant with plenty of sunshine. It is still summer in September, but temperatures start to gradually cool down compared to the hotter months of July and August.
Average daily temperatures
In September, the average daily temperature in Perivolos ranges from 22°C (72°F) to 28°C (82°F). The beginning of the month tends to be warmer, with temperatures gradually decreasing towards the end of September. However, it is worth noting that temperatures can still reach highs of around 30°C (86°F) on some days.
Sunshine and rainfall
September is characterized by sunny and clear skies, making it an excellent time for beach activities and outdoor exploration in Perivolos. The island experiences an average of 11 hours of sunshine per day during this month.
Rainfall in September is minimal, and the chances of experiencing a rainy day in Perivolos are low. On average, the village receives around 8mm of precipitation throughout the month, spread over a couple of days.