25° C
1 mm
per month
84 %
60 %
What’s the weather like in Pyrgos in June?
In June, Pyrgos experiences warm and sunny weather as it enters the summer season. The days are generally long, with plenty of sunshine and mild breezes. However, occasional heatwaves can also occur, resulting in higher temperatures. Visitors can expect pleasant and enjoyable weather throughout the month.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperature in Pyrgos in June ranges from 20°C (68°F) to 28°C (82°F). During the day, temperatures can reach even higher, especially during heatwaves, but cooling down to more comfortable levels in the evenings. It is advisable to dress lightly and wear sunscreen to avoid sunburn and dehydration.
Sunshine and rainfall
June in Pyrgos is known for its abundant sunshine. Visitors can expect an average of 14 hours of sunshine per day, providing ample opportunities to engage in outdoor activities and visit nearby attractions. Rainfall during this month is minimal, with only a few days experiencing light showers. These short rainfalls often help to cool down the temperature and make the evenings more pleasant.