13° C
7 mm
per month
65 %
67 %
What’s the weather like in Thira in December?
In December, Thira experiences winter weather with cool temperatures and a high chance of rainfall. It is a relatively quiet time for tourism in Thira, making it a great opportunity for visitors looking for a peaceful retreat.
Average daily temperatures
During December, the average daily temperature in Thira ranges from 10°C (50°F) to 14°C (57°F). Temperatures tend to be cooler in the evenings, so it is advisable to pack warm clothing, including a jacket or sweater.
Sunshine and rainfall
Thira receives an average of 10 hours of daylight per day in December. However, the weather tends to be cloudy with frequent showers. The average rainfall for this month is around 90mm, with a high possibility of rainy days. It is recommended to pack an umbrella or raincoat to stay dry during your visit.