14° C
11 mm
per month
52 %
74 %
What’s the weather like in Tuscany in April?
April is a gorgeous time to visit Tuscany as spring is in full bloom. The weather starts to warm up, and the region enjoys longer daylight hours.
Average daily temperatures
In April, the average daily temperature in Tuscany ranges from 12°C (54°F) to 19°C (66°F). However, temperatures can vary throughout the region due to its diverse topography. Coastal areas tend to be slightly warmer than inland regions. Warm, sunny days are common during this time of year, making it perfect for outdoor activities and exploring the picturesque towns and countryside of Tuscany.
Sunshine and rainfall
In April, Tuscany experiences an average of 7 hours of sunshine per day. This means you can expect mostly sunny days with occasional cloud cover. However, it’s always a good idea to pack some rain gear as April is also a wet month in Tuscany. The region receives an average rainfall of about 70mm, spread over 11 days. These showers are often short-lived, and the rain can bring out the vibrant colors of the Tuscan landscape.