15° C
18 mm
per month
56 %
73 %
What’s the weather like in Olhos d’Agua in December?
In December, Olhos d’Agua experiences mild weather with cooler temperatures and occasional rainfall. It is generally considered the winter season in this region of Portugal.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperature in Olhos d’Agua in December ranges between 12°C (54°F) and 17°C (63°F). It can be slightly colder in the evenings and early mornings. It is advisable to pack warm layers and a light jacket to ensure comfort during cooler periods.
Sunshine and rainfall
December in Olhos d’Agua sees an average of 5 hours of sunshine per day. Although the sun may not be as strong as in the summer months, it still provides enough warmth and light to enjoy outdoor activities.
The region also receives an average of 60mm of rainfall during the month. Although it may not rain every day, it is recommended to come prepared with an umbrella or raincoat, especially during the wetter days.