
Weather in Praia Do Vau in July

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24° C



0 mm

per month


91 %



61 %


What’s the weather like in Praia do Vau in July?

Praia do Vau, located in the Algarve region of Portugal, experiences warm and sunny weather during the month of July. It is typically one of the hottest months of the year, with long days and pleasant evenings.

Average daily temperatures

In July, Praia do Vau enjoys average daily temperatures ranging from 20°C (68°F) to 28°C (82°F). The region experiences its peak warmth during the afternoon hours, with temperatures often reaching their highest point around midday. Evenings tend to be slightly cooler but remain comfortable, perfect for alfresco dining or beach walks.

Sunshine and rainfall

July in Praia do Vau experiences abundant sunshine, making it a popular destination for beach lovers. The region enjoys an average of 12 hours of sunshine per day, providing plenty of opportunities to soak up the rays and enjoy outdoor activities.

Rainfall is relatively low during this month, with an average of only 1 day of rain expected. Any precipitation that occurs is typically light and brief, allowing visitors to make the most of their outdoor plans. The chance of experiencing a rainy day in July is minimal, so pack your sunglasses and sunscreen for a sun-filled holiday.

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