21° C
20 mm
per month
53 %
71 %
What’s the weather like in Praia dos Salgados in October?
October is a lovely time to visit Praia dos Salgados as it falls within the autumn season. The weather is warm and pleasant, making it suitable for outdoor activities and beach visits.
Average daily temperatures
In October, the average daily temperature in Praia dos Salgados is around 23°C (73°F). The temperature can rise during the day, reaching highs of about 26°C (79°F), while cooling down slightly in the evening to around 19°C (66°F).
Sunshine and rainfall
During October, Praia dos Salgados experiences an average of 8 hours of sunshine per day. This provides ample opportunity to soak up the sun and enjoy the beautiful beaches.
October is also a relatively dry month, with an average rainfall of around 30mm. Rain showers are infrequent and short-lived, so they are unlikely to disrupt your plans or outdoor activities.