13° C
13 mm
per month
59 %
71 %
What’s the weather like in Vilamoura in January?
In January, Vilamoura experiences mild winter weather with cool temperatures and a combination of sunny and rainy days. It is the coldest month of the year in this region of Portugal, but still much milder compared to many other parts of Europe during this time.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperature in Vilamoura in January ranges from 9°C (48°F) to 16°C (61°F). The mornings and evenings tend to be chillier, while the afternoons can be pleasantly mild. Although it is relatively mild for winter, it is still advisable to pack warm layers and a light jacket to stay comfortable throughout the day and evening.
Sunshine and rainfall
Vilamoura experiences around 6 hours of sunshine per day in January. While this is significantly lower compared to the summer months, there are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy some sunny days during your stay.
The average rainfall in January is around 55mm, spread over 10 days of the month. Showers can be expected intermittently, therefore it is advisable to pack an umbrella or raincoat to be prepared for wet weather. The wettest periods tend to occur towards the end of the month.