
Weather in Madeira in July

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23° C



1 mm

per month


86 %



68 %


What’s the weather like in Madeira in July?

July is one of the warmest months in Madeira, Portugal. The island experiences a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. In July, visitors can expect plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures, making it an ideal time to visit Madeira.

Average daily temperatures

During July, the average daily temperature in Madeira is around 24°C (75°F). However, temperatures can reach highs of 29°C (84°F), especially during the hottest parts of the day. The evenings tend to be slightly cooler, with temperatures dropping to around 20°C (68°F). It is important to bring appropriate clothing for both warm and cool temperatures, as well as sunscreen to protect against the summer sun.

Sunshine and rainfall

Madeira enjoys plenty of sunshine in July, with an average of 10 hours of sunlight per day. This provides ample opportunity for outdoor activities and exploring the beautiful landscapes of the island. However, it is still advised to bring a light rain jacket, as July is also a month with some rainfall. On average, Madeira sees around 12 days of rainfall in July, with a total precipitation of about 9mm. The rain showers are usually short-lived and quickly followed by clear skies, so they rarely disrupt outdoor plans.

In conclusion, July is an excellent time to visit Madeira, with its warm temperatures and abundant sunshine. Visitors can enjoy various outdoor activities while also taking advantage of the island’s stunning natural beauty.

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