10° C
15 mm
per month
52 %
76 %
What’s the weather like in Malgrat De Mar in February?
In Malgrat De Mar, February is typically a mild and wet month with temperatures averaging around 8-14°C (46-57°F). The weather during this time can be quite changeable, with some days being sunny and others experiencing rainfall.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperatures in Malgrat De Mar in February range from 8-14°C (46-57°F). While it is not extremely cold, it is advisable to pack some warm clothing for cooler evenings. During the day, temperatures can rise to a comfortable level, especially when the sun is shining.
Sunshine and rainfall
February in Malgrat De Mar experiences an average of 9 hours of sunshine per day. Although there can be sunny days, they are often interspersed with rainy spells. It is not uncommon to have a few days of continuous rain during this month.
The average rainfall in February is around 50-70mm, spread throughout the month. It is recommended to bring an umbrella or raincoat to be prepared for any sudden showers.