
Weather in Cala Gracio in June

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23° C



2 mm

per month


77 %



69 %


What’s the weather like in Cala Gracio in June?

In June, Cala Gracio experiences warm and sunny weather, making it an ideal time to visit this beautiful coastal town located in Ibiza, Spain. The temperature starts to rise, and summer is officially underway, creating perfect conditions for outdoor activities and beach days.

Average daily temperatures

The average daily temperature in Cala Gracio in June ranges from 20°C (68°F) to 26°C (79°F). The temperature gradually increases throughout the month, reaching its peak towards the end of June. Visitors can expect pleasant and comfortable temperatures during their stay, making it an enjoyable time to explore the town and participate in various outdoor activities.

Sunshine and rainfall

In June, Cala Gracio experiences an abundance of sunshine with an average of 11 hours of sunlight per day. This ensures long daylight hours for visitors to make the most of their time outdoors, whether it be lounging on the beach or exploring the town.

Rainfall is minimal during this month, with June being one of the driest months of the year in Cala Gracio. The chances of rain are low, and any precipitation that does occur is usually in the form of brief showers or scattered thunderstorms.

Overall, June provides visitors with fantastic weather conditions in Cala Gracio, characterized by warm temperatures, plenty of sunshine, and minimal rainfall. It’s a great time to soak up the sun, enjoy water activities, and fully embrace the Mediterranean charm of this beautiful coastal town.

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