12° C
5 mm
per month
53 %
70 %
What’s the weather like in Cala Llonga in February?
In February, Cala Llonga experiences mild and pleasant weather. Although it is winter, the temperatures are generally comfortable and the skies often remain clear for extended periods of time. However, rainfall can be expected throughout the month, although not excessively.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperatures in Cala Llonga during February range from around 14°C (57°F) to 18°C (64°F). It is usually cool in the mornings and evenings, so it is advisable to carry a light jacket or sweater. The afternoons can be warmer, with some days reaching temperatures as high as 20°C (68°F).
Sunshine and rainfall
In February, Cala Llonga experiences an average of 7 hours of sunshine per day. This is a significant increase compared to the previous months. However, it is important to note that the weather can be quite changeable, with cloudy days being common.
Rainfall in Cala Llonga during February averages around 55mm, spread over approximately 9 days. It is advisable to carry an umbrella or raincoat, as showers can occur sporadically. Despite the rain, there are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities and explore the beautiful surroundings.