12° C
14 mm
per month
56 %
75 %
What’s the weather like in Santa Eulalia in January?
In January, Santa Eulalia experiences mild winter weather. While it is cooler compared to the summer months, it is still relatively mild for most visitors. The region is known for its Mediterranean climate, with January being part of the wetter months.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperature in Santa Eulalia in January ranges from around 11°C (51.8°F) to 16°C (60.8°F). However, it’s important to note that temperatures can vary throughout the month. Nights tend to be cooler, with temperatures dropping to around 8°C (46.4°F).
Sunshine and rainfall
In January, Santa Eulalia experiences around 6 hours of sunshine per day on average. This is relatively low compared to the summer months but still provides some opportunity for outdoor activities.
The region also experiences a fair amount of rainfall during this month. The average rainfall in January is around 74mm, with the possibility of occasional showers. It is recommended to pack a waterproof jacket or umbrella to be prepared for the rainy weather.