
Weather in Matagorda in September

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25° C



0 mm

per month


75 %



67 %


What’s the weather like in Matagorda in September?
Matagorda, located on the Gulf Coast of Texas, experiences warm and pleasant weather in September. The summer heat begins to fade, and the temperature cools down slightly, making it an ideal time to visit this coastal town. September marks the transition from summer to fall, bringing milder temperatures and lower chances of extreme weather conditions.

Average Daily Temperatures
In September, Matagorda enjoys average daily temperatures ranging between 75°F (24°C) and 88°F (31°C). The mornings and evenings tend to be cooler, while the afternoons can still be quite warm. The temperature gradually decreases as the month progresses, offering a comfortable climate for outdoor activities such as swimming, sunbathing, and exploring the beautiful beaches of Matagorda.

Sunshine and Rainfall
September in Matagorda is characterized by abundant sunshine, with an average of 8-9 hours of sunshine per day. The days are mostly sunny, making it perfect for outdoor excursions and beach activities. However, occasional showers and thunderstorms can be expected, as September is still a part of hurricane season in this region. The average rainfall for the month ranges from 4 inches to 6 inches, with occasional heavy downpours.

During this time, it is important to stay informed about weather reports and any potential tropical storms or hurricanes. Additionally, it is advised to pack appropriate rain gear and be prepared for the possibility of a rainy day.

Overall, September in Matagorda offers pleasant weather conditions, with warm temperatures, ample sunshine, and occasional showers. It is a great time to enjoy the beach, water sports, and explore the natural beauty of the area.

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