9° C
13 mm
per month
53 %
73 %
What’s the weather like in Cala San Vicente in March?
In March, Cala San Vicente experiences mild weather as spring begins to arrive. The temperatures start to increase, and the days become longer. However, there is still a chance of rain, although it typically doesn’t last for long periods.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperatures in Cala San Vicente during March range from 15°C to 19°C. The temperatures can be pleasant, especially during the daytime, but it can still cool down during the evenings. It’s recommended to carry a light jacket or sweater during this period to stay comfortable.
Sunshine and rainfall
In March, Cala San Vicente experiences around 8 hours of sunshine per day on average. The weather starts to improve, and there are more sunny days compared to the winter months. However, there is still a chance of rainfall. On average, Cala San Vicente receives about 50mm of precipitation spread over approximately 7 days during the month.