
Weather in Ciutadella in May

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19° C



3 mm

per month


58 %



71 %


What’s the weather like in Ciutadella in May?

In May, Ciutadella, a city located on the western coast of Menorca, experiences mild and pleasant weather. The city begins to transition from spring to summer during this time, making it an ideal month to visit. The weather in Ciutadella in May is typically warm and sunny, with the occasional chance of rain.

Average daily temperatures

The average daily temperature in Ciutadella in May ranges from 17°C to 23°C (63°F to 73°F). The temperatures start to rise, and the city begins to feel more like summer. During the daytime, temperatures can reach highs of around 23°C (73°F), providing perfect conditions for outdoor activities and exploring the city. In the evenings, temperatures tend to drop slightly, but still remain comfortable for outdoor dining and strolling around the town.

Sunshine and rainfall

May is a sunny month in Ciutadella, with an average of 10 hours of sunshine per day. Visitors can expect long, sunny days to enjoy the city’s beautiful beaches and outdoor attractions. However, it is important to note that May is also one of the wettest months in Ciutadella, with an average rainfall of around 30mm. Rainfall is usually spread over a few days during the month, so be prepared for some occasional showers. It is advisable to bring an umbrella or raincoat to ensure you stay dry while exploring the city.

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