
Weather in Santandria in September

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22° C



21 mm

per month


56 %



72 %


What’s the weather like in Santandria in September?

In September, Santandria experiences mild weather as the summer season transitions into autumn. The temperatures begin to cool down, providing a pleasant climate for outdoor activities and exploration. It is generally a great time to visit Santandria if you prefer a quieter and more relaxed atmosphere.

Average daily temperatures

The average daily temperatures in Santandria during September range from 20°C (68°F) to 27°C (81°F). The beginning of the month tends to be slightly warmer, while towards the end, temperatures gradually decrease. Nights can be cooler with temperatures dropping to around 15°C (59°F). It is advisable to bring a light jacket or sweater for the evenings.

Sunshine and rainfall

Santandria experiences an average of 7 hours of sunshine per day in September. The days are still relatively long, allowing you to make the most of outdoor activities and explore the beautiful surroundings. However, it is important to note that September also sees an increase in rainfall compared to the summer months.

On average, Santandria receives around 32mm of rainfall throughout September. Showers can be sporadic but do not usually last long. It is recommended to pack a small umbrella or a waterproof jacket to stay prepared for any unexpected rain showers.

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