
Weather in Gumbet in June

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25° C



1 mm

per month


84 %



55 %


What’s the weather like in Gumbet in June?

In Gumbet, June heralds the arrival of summer with warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine. It is a popular time for tourists to visit the area due to the favorable weather conditions. However, it is important to note that Gumbet can experience some rainfall during this month.

Average daily temperatures

The average daily temperature in Gumbet in June ranges from 23°C (73°F) to 29°C (84°F). This means that days are generally warm and pleasant, perfect for outdoor activities and beach visits. However, it is advisable to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated as temperatures can occasionally reach higher levels.

Sunshine and rainfall

June in Gumbet offers plenty of sunshine, with an average of 14 hours of daylight per day. This provides ample opportunity for sunbathing and enjoying the outdoor attractions in the area. However, sporadic rainfall can also occur during this month. On average, Gumbet receives around 16mm of rainfall in June, spread across five days. These showers are usually short-lived and do not significantly impact the overall weather conditions.

Overall, June in Gumbet brings warm temperatures, ample sunshine, and the occasional shower. It is a fantastic time to visit this coastal town and enjoy all the outdoor activities and natural beauty it has to offer.

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