
Weather in Florida in August

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29° C



77 mm

per month


37 %



81 %


What’s the weather like in Florida in August?

Florida experiences hot and humid weather throughout August, making it one of the warmest months of the year. The state is situated in the southeastern part of the United States, and its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean contributes to its tropical climate. Visitors can expect predominantly sunny days, with occasional thunderstorms. It is important to note that Florida is susceptible to hurricanes during this time of year, so it is essential to stay updated with weather forecasts and any potential warnings.

Average daily temperatures

In August, Florida experiences high temperatures with an average range of 25°C to 33°C (77°F to 91°F). These temperatures can sometimes reach even higher levels, especially in the southern parts of the state. Conversely, during the nighttime, temperatures tend to cool down slightly, averaging between 22°C and 25°C (72°F and 77°F).

Sunshine and rainfall

Florida is known as the “Sunshine State” for a reason. August brings plenty of sunshine, with an average of 9 hours of sunshine per day. This provides ample opportunity for outdoor activities such as beach visits, exploring theme parks, and enjoying water sports.

On the other hand, August is also the rainiest month in Florida, with an average of 188mm (7.4 inches) of rainfall. The state experiences frequent thunderstorms, usually occurring in the afternoon or evening. These storms often pass quickly, allowing visitors to continue enjoying their day after a brief interruption.

Overall, August weather in Florida is characterized by high temperatures, abundant sunshine, and occasional rain showers. Visitors should come prepared with sunscreen, light, and moisture-wicking clothing, as well as rain gear for unexpected showers.

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