
Weather in United States Of America in September

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22° C



20 mm

per month


56 %



65 %


What’s the weather like in the United States Of America in September?

In September, the weather in the United States Of America varies depending on the region. The country is known for its diverse climate, so it is important to consider the specific area you plan to visit. Generally, September marks the transition from summer to autumn, bringing milder temperatures and changing weather patterns.

Average daily temperatures

The average daily temperatures in September differ across the United States. In the northern states, such as New York and Washington, temperatures range between 15-25°C (59-77°F). However, in southern states like Florida and Texas, temperatures can still be quite high, reaching 30°C (86°F) or more. It is advisable to consult local weather forecasts for the specific city or region you plan to visit to get accurate temperature information.

Sunshine and rainfall

September generally offers pleasant weather with varying levels of sunshine and rainfall throughout the United States. Coastal regions, such as California, may experience milder temperatures and lower rainfall during this time. In contrast, areas closer to the Atlantic Ocean, like the New England states, may experience higher levels of rainfall due to the influence of tropical systems. It is advisable to carry an umbrella or raincoat in case of unexpected showers.

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