11° C
20 mm
per month
64 %
81 %
What’s the weather like in Acharavi in December?
In December, Acharavi experiences winter weather. The temperatures are relatively mild, although cooler compared to the preceding months. It is a wet month with a good amount of rainfall, but there are still plenty of sunny days.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperatures in Acharavi’s December range from 9°C (48°F) to 15°C (59°F). During the day, the temperatures typically reach the mid-teens, providing a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere. However, in the evenings and at night, the temperatures drop significantly, often reaching single digits. It is advisable to pack warm clothing for evenings and early mornings.
Sunshine and rainfall
In December, Acharavi receives an average of 11 days of rainfall throughout the month. The total precipitation amounts to around 152 mm (6 inches). Although it can be rainy, the sunshine still manages to make an appearance. With around 4 hours of sunshine per day, you can expect some bright and clear spells amidst the periodic showers.