12° C
48 mm
per month
47 %
77 %
What’s the Weather Like in Acharavi in February?
In February, Acharavi experiences cool temperatures and can be quite rainy. The weather during this month is primarily influenced by the Mediterranean climate, with mild winters and moderate rainfall.
Average Daily Temperatures
The average daily temperature in Acharavi during February ranges from 9°C (48°F) to 15°C (59°F). Although the temperature is generally cool, it can fluctuate, with slightly warmer days and cooler evenings. It is advisable to pack layered clothing to accommodate these temperature changes.
Sunshine and Rainfall
In February, Acharavi receives an average of 10 hours of daylight each day. However, the sunshine can be limited due to the frequent cloudy and rainy conditions. The average rainfall for this month is around 71mm, with occasional showers throughout the day. It is recommended to bring an umbrella or raincoat to ensure comfort when exploring the area.