
Weather in Kos Town in June

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24° C



0 mm

per month


84 %



64 %


What’s the weather like in Kos Town in June?

In June, Kos Town experiences warm and sunny weather, making it a great time to visit. The temperatures reach highs of around 28°C (82°F), creating a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere for outdoor activities and sightseeing. The evenings are mild with temperatures around 20°C (68°F), perfect for enjoying evening strolls along the promenade or dining al fresco.

Average daily temperatures

In June, the average daily temperature in Kos Town ranges between 22°C (72°F) and 28°C (82°F). The beginning of the month is slightly cooler, with temperatures gradually rising as the month progresses. The heat is generally not excessive, allowing visitors to explore the attractions and soak up the sun without feeling overwhelmed by the heat.

Sunshine and rainfall

June is a month characterized by long sunny days in Kos Town. Visitors can expect to enjoy an average of 13 hours of sunshine per day, providing ample time to relax on the beach or participate in outdoor activities. Rainfall is minimal during this time of the year, with an average of only two rainy days in the entire month. This ensures that the weather remains dry and ideal for exploring the various historical sites and natural beauty that Kos Town has to offer.

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