10° C
43 mm
per month
53 %
77 %
What’s the weather like in Limni Keriou in January?
In January, Limni Keriou experiences winter weather conditions. It is a relatively mild and wet month, with occasional rain showers and cooler temperatures.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperature in January ranges from 9°C (48°F) to 15°C (59°F). The mornings and evenings tend to be cooler, while the afternoons can be relatively pleasant. However, it is important to note that temperatures can occasionally drop below 9°C (48°F) during the night.
Sunshine and rainfall
January in Limni Keriou receives an average of 122mm of rainfall throughout the month. This means that rainfall is relatively frequent and can occur on several days. It is advisable to come prepared with waterproof clothing and footwear.
Despite the precipitation, there are still around 5 hours of sunshine per day in January. However, it is recommended to check the weather forecast and plan outdoor activities accordingly.