10° C
33 mm
per month
49 %
75 %
What’s the weather like in Piano di Sorrento in January?
In January, Piano di Sorrento experiences cool and mild weather. It is usually the coldest month of the year, with temperatures averaging around 9°C (48°F). The weather can be quite unpredictable, with occasional rainfall and cloudy days.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperatures in Piano di Sorrento in January range from lows of 4°C (39°F) to highs of 13°C (55°F). Although it is considered winter, the temperatures remain relatively mild compared to other parts of Europe. However, it is advisable to pack warm clothing as the evenings can get chilly.
Sunshine and rainfall
In January, Piano di Sorrento experiences an average of 6 hours of sunshine per day. The days are shorter, with sunset occurring around 4:30 pm. Despite the shorter days, when the sun does come out, it can still provide a pleasant warmth.
January is also a fairly rainy month in Piano di Sorrento, with an average rainfall of 104mm (4.1 inches). Rain showers are frequent, and it is recommended to bring a raincoat or umbrella when exploring the area.