
Weather in Piano Di Sorrento in May

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19° C



11 mm

per month


56 %



74 %


What’s the weather like in Piano di Sorrento in May?

In Piano di Sorrento, May marks the beginning of summer and offers pleasant weather conditions for visitors. The temperature gradually warms up, and the days are usually sunny with occasional rain showers. It is an ideal time to explore the town and enjoy outdoor activities.

Average daily temperatures

In May, Piano di Sorrento experiences pleasant and mild temperatures. The average daily temperature ranges from 15°C (59°F) to 21°C (70°F). The evenings may be slightly cooler, so it is advisable to bring a light jacket or sweater for the evenings. Overall, the weather in May allows for comfortable outdoor exploration and sightseeing.

Sunshine and rainfall

Piano di Sorrento receives around 8 hours of sunshine per day in May, offering ample opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities and soak up the Mediterranean sun. However, it is important to note that May is also a month with some rainfall. On average, the town experiences about 70mm of precipitation spread over 9 days. These showers are usually short-lived and do not significantly impact outdoor plans, but it is always a good idea to carry a small umbrella or rain jacket during this time.

Overall, May is a wonderful month to visit Piano di Sorrento, as the weather is generally pleasant, with mild temperatures and ample sunshine. While there may be occasional rain showers, they are usually short-lived and should not hinder your plans for exploring the beautiful town and its surroundings.

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