18° C
2 mm
per month
69 %
69 %
What’s the weather like in Costa Calma in March?
In March, Costa Calma experiences mild and pleasant weather conditions as it transitions from winter to spring. The temperatures start to rise, and there is a decrease in rainfall compared to the previous months.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperature in Costa Calma in March ranges between 18°C (64°F) and 22°C (72°F). The days can be warm, especially closer to the end of the month, while the evenings may still feel slightly cooler. It is advisable to bring some light layers to ensure comfort throughout the day.
Sunshine and rainfall
In March, Costa Calma receives an average of 5 hours of sunshine per day. The number of rainy days significantly decreases compared to the previous months, and there is an average precipitation of 6mm. While rain is not very common, it is always wise to pack a lightweight rain jacket or umbrella, just in case.