
Weather in Alcudia in August

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24° C



6 mm

per month


73 %



61 %


What’s the weather like in Alcudia in August?

August is one of the hottest months in Alcudia, Mallorca. The weather during this time is generally sunny and warm, making it a popular destination for tourists seeking sunshine and beach activities. However, it’s important to note that August is also a peak tourist season, so the beaches and popular attractions can get crowded. Despite the crowds, the weather in Alcudia in August offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and exploring the stunning natural beauty of the area.

Average daily temperatures

The average daily temperature in Alcudia in August ranges from around 23°C (73°F) to 29°C (84°F). The temperature tends to be at its highest during the middle of the day and gradually cools down in the evening. It is important to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen as the heat can be quite intense. Evenings can also be warm and pleasant, perfect for enjoying a stroll by the beach or dining in one of the town’s many outdoor restaurants.

Sunshine and rainfall

August in Alcudia is characterized by a high amount of sunshine. On average, the town experiences around 11 hours of sunshine per day, giving visitors ample time to enjoy outdoor activities, soak up the sun on the beach, or explore the historical sites in the area. The clear skies also create stunning sunsets over the Mediterranean Sea, making evenings even more picturesque.

Rainfall in Alcudia during August is very low. The region experiences very little precipitation during this month, with an average of only 6mm of rainfall throughout the entire month. This means that visitors are unlikely to encounter rain during their stay and can expect dry and sunny days for most of their trip.

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