8° C
14 mm
per month
53 %
75 %
What’s the weather like in Alcudia in February?
In February, Alcudia experiences mild winter weather. While it is not as warm as the summer months, temperatures can still be pleasant during the day, although it might get cooler in the evenings. It is worth noting that February is one of the wettest months in Alcudia, so it is advisable to pack an umbrella or raincoat.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperature in Alcudia in February ranges from 8°C (46°F) to 16°C (61°F). During the day, temperatures can reach a comfortable 14°C (57°F) on average, while at night, they can drop to around 9°C (48°F). However, it is important to check the weather forecast closer to your travel date, as temperatures can vary.
Sunshine and rainfall
February in Alcudia sees around 5 hours of sunshine per day on average, which is significantly less compared to the summer months. It is recommended to make the most of the daylight hours by planning outdoor activities accordingly.
Alcudia experiences an average rainfall of around 48mm during February, with about 9 rainy days throughout the month. The rain can be sporadic and showers are often short-lived, but it is advisable to come prepared with waterproof clothing and footwear.