12° C
26 mm
per month
58 %
66 %
What’s the weather like in Bodrum in February?
In February, Bodrum experiences mild and cool weather. It is still considered part of the winter season, but temperatures are generally more comfortable compared to the colder months. The days are mostly mild, while the evenings can be cooler.
Average daily temperatures
The average daily temperature in Bodrum in February ranges from 11°C (52°F) to 15°C (59°F). However, temperatures can vary throughout the month. At the beginning of February, temperatures might still be slightly cooler, while towards the end of the month, temperatures can start to rise. It is advisable to pack warm clothing for cooler evenings.
Sunshine and rainfall
Bodrum experiences an average of 8 hours of sunshine per day in February. The days are generally sunny, providing ample opportunities to explore and enjoy outdoor activities. However, it is also a relatively wet month, with an average rainfall of 68mm. It is recommended to bring a waterproof jacket and suitable footwear to stay dry during occasional rain showers.